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hobart Puppy Preschool

Have you recently purchased a new puppy? Do you want to be fully prepared when it comes to your puppy obedience training in Hobart? At Its Not About The Dog, our puppy preschool training sessions in Brisbane are specifically designed to harness a puppy’s view of the big wide world, giving them the confidence to interact with people and other dogs around them; as well as teaching K9 Parents how to understand puppy behaviour and body language.

Our puppy training in Hobart will equip you with the right tools to enjoy the best life with your furry friend possible. 
There’s a reason why a dog is a man’s best friend. They bring unconditional love, companionship, friendship and happiness. As a dog parent, one of the most important things to invest in is high quality puppy training early on life. Our Hobart dog trainer will ensure your puppy is ready to engage with friends, family and strangers in a positive way. 

Our puppy preschool training programs are uniquely designed to harness a puppies view of the big wide world and teach us as K9 Parents how to understand puppy behaviour and body language.

Why is puppy training important?

The first three months of your puppy’s life sets the bar for everything, and if you get it right here, you’re on the right path towards a lifetime of happiness and fulfilment.

It’s your puppy’s genetic window of opportunity, and the ripe time to introduce them to other dogs and the everyday experiences of life. If you do this within the first three months, you will eliminate unnecessary stress in the future.

Why Choose our puppy pre-school training in Hobart?

We pride ourselves on our incredibly small classes with 4 puppies per class as it makes it a far better learning environment for the puppies and allows for individual attention and an all-important personal touch for each family.

We welcome all children with open arms, encouraging them to join in for family-orientated fun training.

We use science evidence based positive training methods that allow the puppy to take part in all aspects of training. 

We have a focus on teaching awareness and understanding of dog language, understanding a puppy's natural behaviour and emotions and how to redirect unwanted natural behaviours.

It is our ultimate goal to make sure that you and your puppy get such thorough training – you’ll never need any again.

We always strive to go the extra mile, aim higher and shoot further on our ongoing journey to fulfil and exceed your expectations – each and every time.

It’s our main priority to make the early learning process as fun, easy and stress-free as possible, allowing your puppy to grow up happy, calm and content.

We offer additional supplementary services such as Bach and Bush Flower Remedies, as well as Tellington T-Touch.

So need puppy training? then make us the first call for the last puppy training you will ever need.

contact Zigrid K9 lifestyle coach 

Puppy preschool Brisbane Puppies

Our Puppy Training Programs

Complete Puppy Preschool Training

The complete puppy preschool training program is an 8 week lifestyle program and includes complimentary puppy social sessions, training manual, complementary phone assistance upon completion of the course until your pups first birthday and everything you need to set your puppy up for a lifetime of success! Read more here plus check out our ultimate puppy preschool packages here.

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Private Puppy Training

The private puppy training is the fast track for training your puppy and is our complete 8 week course condensed into 4 weeks and done in the comfort of your own home and surrounding local areas. It includes complimentary puppy social sessions, training manual, complementary phone assistance upon completion of the course until your pups first birthday and everything you need to set your puppy up for a lifetime of success! Read more here...

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All of our puppy programs are held at Pet City Wishart. You can visit their website for further information!

Click here to view our package options Click here to enquire now!

Remember you and your K9 buddy are our motivation and reason for being!